Our Team
The #FeedBali team does everything under Adi and Frances’ leadership. They help in the garden, they gather all the food and give all the care packages, whether it’s in the towns down south or deep in the jungle in the north. They are always there to help.
Meet Adi & Frances
Once upon a time, a Canadian girl named Frances was a supercharged media entrepreneur jetting about the world while living in Hong Kong, San Francisco and Tokyo.
She visited Bali in October 2000. On the 3rd day of her trip she met “I Made Adi Ardika” (Adi for short). They fell in love and have been married for 17 years.
Adi and Frances worked as wedding & travel planners for 20 years. Three years ago, they started Tresna Bali Cooking School in Ubud. When Covid-19 hit, they shut down their businesses to wait out the pandemic.
But then they started hearing stories of families going hungry. So, on their daughter Santi’s birthday on March 23, 2000, they decided to start feeding families.
From 20 to 500 families in five weeks.
Frances, Adi and Santi thought they would feed the same 20 families every 2 weeks for as long as they could. But then word started spreading and donations started coming. Now they’re working full time to #feedbali as much as they can and have fed more than 2,200 families in 7 months.
What Frances & Adi Do
Frances organizes, coordinates and communicates. She’s “Charlie” in Charlie’s Angels, running the mission behind the scenes.
Adi, being Balinese himself with an extensive network in Bali, knows how to work with the local village leaders. Without him, identifying the families truly in need of food would be nearly impossible. Yes, he’s the Angel!
Introducing, Santi.
Santi is Frances & Adi’s daughter. She’s 14 years old and, as her mom puts it, Santi’s “The CEO behind the whole operation.” Santi helps out with everything from keeping the impressively huge spreadsheets up to date (it was her idea to use google drive) to distribution to teaching her Mom what #hashtag means.
and this…this is Como.
He’s the CHO — Chief Happiness Officer. But if we’re being honest…his full title is the TM-CHO-GBT (trouble making-chief happiness officer -green bean thief). He’s always up to something.

Our Packaging Team
Our packing team is led by Wayan who buys all the fruits, vegetables and fresh spices from local markets and directly from the farmers in Kintamani. Everyone spends a whole day packing in our cooking school and we deliver early the next morning to ensure freshness!